improvements to Bayesian indirect likelihood (BIL) algorithm (mh$alg="aux"
for 2nd order phase transition when k > 4factor
to inflate the variance of the surrogate modelVmax1
for $\beta < \beta_{crit}$ and $\beta > \beta_{crit}$, respectivelyoption mh$sort
to impose an ordering constraint on the component means
removed OpenMP options from Makevars
to fix problems with RcppArmadillo. Users should edit ~/.R/Makevars
to enabel multithreading.
no longer wait for mh$auxiliary
iterations before beginning to update $\beta$ using the exchange algorithm or ABC. For $\beta > \beta_{crit}$, this increased the propensity of the Gibbs sampler to become stuck in a suboptimal local mode, far from the true parameter value.
added jss.bst
and jss.cls
to .Rbuildignore
removed the deprecated slices
parameter from mcmcPotts()
some minor edits to the Roxygen
removed the R package PottsUtils
from Suggested packages; added mcmcse
moved README-chunkname.png
images from root directory to inst/images
Functions getNeighbors(), getEdges(), getBlocks() contributed by Dai Feng. These are currently exact copies of the equivalent functions in the R package PottsUtils. The reason for duplicating this code is to avoid picking up dependencies on miscF, R2jags, BRugs, etc.
Added new option to swNoData and mcmcPottsNoData to initialise the labels using either random or deterministic values. This can be useful when comparing the convergence of the Swendsen-Wang and Gibbs sampling algorithms to known distributions (e.g. when $\beta$=0 or $\infty$)
Additional documentation in with an example of usage
Fixed compile errors on SPARC Solaris
Fixed compile warnings from icpc (Intel Parallel Studio XE) on Linux
Added bayesImageS_init.cpp to call R_registerRoutines and R_useDynamicSymbols